Sarah Jessica Parker Spends £11,000 On Her Twins' Nursery

Sarah Jessica Parker Spends £11,000 On Her Twins' Nursery

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker has apparently spent more than £11,000 on a nursery for her twin girls.

The rumour is that the Sex and the City star bought a £3,700 day bed and £4,000 armoire from the furniture company Bonne Nuit.

Then there's a £3,000 double crib with Louis XIV bedding from Duetta Crib Mate and a £1,000 rocking horse imported from Europe.

According to a "source" SJP and her husband Matthew Broderick are going for a "classical French look".

Hilarious. Does the classical French look include baby vomit and drool? That Louis XIV bedding isn't going to be so pretty after a couple of leaky nappies.

The source also reckons that SJP is planning to commission top designer Isaac Mizrahi to make personalised tutu dresses for her girls, who are due in July and are being born via a surrogate.

She's also fallen in love with baby Ugg boots for the cold New York winters. Are they to be worn with the tutus? I'm not really up with baby fashion...

Now, I'm not criticising here. This is what celebrities are FOR, isn't it? You'd be severely disappointed if SJP was kitting out her babies with Mothercare's finest like the rest of us. Stories about £11,000 nurseries are what keeps us going.

We still haven't actually sorted out a nursery for our daughter yet. She's four months old – she can't tell that her "nursery" is still an office/spare room, crammed with computer equipment, old exercise machines, books and clothes.

She's still sleeping with us anyway. Medical guidance says babies are supposed to sleep in the same room as their parents until they're six months old.

So why do parents go to such lengths to get everything ready before their babies are born?

As my daughter hurtles towards six months, I'm starting to work this out. It's because you won't have time afterwards. Better get down to Bonne Nuit and sort it out.
