A Long Way Away

A Long Way Away


My uncle is visiting us at the moment. He lives in Australia which is right on the other side of the world. It's miles and miles and miles away but not as far as The Moon. Or New Zealand. He says it's very hot and you hardly ever have to wear a coat or gloves or scarves but they wear hats with corks hanging off them to keep the sun and flies away. I think it sounds brilliant but dad says Australia is full of dangerous animals and insects. Insects are like animals but smaller and not usually cute or furry. My uncle said he found a fifteen foot snake in his garden shed once so the snakes in Australia must be really dangerous if they have feet! They have spiders with hairy legs that jump too. How cool is that?

Kangaroos live in Australia and nowhere else in the world. Well, except in zoos but I don't think they like living there as much. Kangaroos can jump much higher than the spiders and the girl ones carry babies in a bag on their belly. I asked my uncle if he could bring me one home. It would be much more fun than the cat. She just sleeps all the time. But he said kangaroos don't like to fly and there is not enough room for them to jump in my bedroom so that's okay.

To get to Australia you have to fly in an airplane for a full day. Mum says that is boring and horrendous but I think it sounds superb. My uncle says the plane seats have telly's in them and you can play games and watch films as much as you want.

I really want to go to Australia.
