Natural Ways To Keep The House Clean

Natural Ways To Keep The House Clean

There's much debate on how clean you should keep your children, and whether a little bit of dirt may actually be beneficial for them. All the conflicting reports can leave the majority of parents wondering how exactly they can keep the house clean without worrying about chemicals and allergies.

One way to get around the problem, and to be a little more eco-friendly, is to make your own cleaning materials at home. As anyone who watches How Clean Is Your House can tell you, a bit of lemon juice and vinegar can go a long way to restoring wood, cleaning windows and even cleaning out your drains.

Tempted to make your own? Here are some of our favourite recipes.


Wipe the windows with distilled white vinegar and then grab some newspaper to rub them dry for sparkling windows.

Finger marks on walls and paintwork

Grab a piece of fresh white bread, and rub the mark on the wall.

Cleaning the fridge

Mix together one tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda with a little hot water to create a paste. Use it to wipe all the surfaces inside. This will also give is a fresher smell.

Refresh pongy trainers or smelly pet bedding

Sprinkle with a bit of bicarbonate of soda overnight, and then brush it off the next morning.

Remove stains

Grab some fresh lemon juice and treat the stained area with it. Place the stain in strong sunlight for a couple of hours, then hand wash. If the stain still won't budge, rub with some soda crystals.

Cleaning the kitchen floor (tiled)

Mix together equal quantities of water and distilled white vinegar, and use it to wash the floor.

Flush out the drains

Pour a kettle full of boiling water over a handful of soda crystals, then pour down the sink once a month.

Got any good homemade cleaning product recipes? Share them in the comments below!
