New Site Allows Teachers And Parents To Monitor Homework

New Site Allows Teachers And Parents To Monitor Homework

A school teacher has created a website that aims to simplify the admin process of schools by allowing them to upload homework onto one central website. can be accessed by students, teachers and parents.

Essentially, this will ensure that teachers don't overload students with work, as they'll be able to easily check how much they've already been set. It will also mean parents can keep track of the work their kids need to do.

Sadly for the students, it means excuses like "I didn't know it was in for today" and "I've been overloaded with homework" will no longer wash, as the site will list all the details of their upcoming deadlines.

The idea came about when Namish Gohil, an ICT teacher at Henry Compton School in Hammersmith and Fulham, was placed in charge of orchestrating the ICT across the school. Fed up of the bureaucracy that came with teaching, Namish created the system for his school in an effort to improve the standards of homework.

Since implementing the system, the school has seen a decrease in the number of excuses given regarding late homework, and an increase in the quality of the work. The new website has been such a success that Namish is now rolling it out to other schools in the area.

What do you think of the idea of a central homework system? Would you find it useful to see what homework is due?
