Volume Control: Super Clever Storage Tips

Volume Control: Super Clever Storage Tips

Drawers stuffed to bursting? Magazines teetering in dangerous piles? There's barely a home in the country that has adequate space for our possessions, as the self-storage depots now in every industrial park prove. And while we could all probably do with a good clear-out, clever space-saving products can also help to make order out of chaos.

Suzanne Baker from storage retailer The Holding Company reveals some of the nooks and crannies that could be working harder: "Many wardrobes have wasted areas – use clear shoe storage that tap in to that empty space. Make the most of wasted underbed space when you are trying to sort things out, and if you have redundant spaces at the bottom of the bed, use a large chest to store out-of-season clothing and bedding." The Holding Company and other specialists sell ingenious products, many that you might not have thought of, like multi-tier hangers for the wardrobe: check back with them regularly for the latest ideas.

As a rule, lifting things off the floor and onto walls and doors will help de-clutter. A wall-mounted magazine rack, or hooks on the back of a door, is a good start. Buy dual-purpose furniture – a coffee table with hidden storage, for example – and allocate a place for everything, such as a rack for your keys and phone near the front door. And if you can't hide everything away, then make sure your on-show storage is as beautiful as it can be – even recycling bins come in chic designer finishes these days...

Online storage specialists sell products you may never have thought of, like Store's ingenious hanger for your wardrobe.

Dublet wardrobe rod, £22, www.aplaceforeverything.co.uk

Dual-purpose furniture works twice as hard: this footstool conceals a world of unwanted clutter, as well as providing extra seating and a place to put your feet up.

Ektorp Bromma Footstool £119, www.ikea.com/gb/en/

Why didn't anyone think of this before? A mesh basket that slides under the kitchen shelves to make the most of space.

Undershelf storage basket, £12, www.allupandon.co.uk

A retro-style recycling bin that you'll want to show off, rather than hide away.

Enamel recycling bin, £235, www.roseandgrey.co.uk

Great for the hallway, this wall-mounted organiser means you'll never go hunting for your keys again.

Cubby wall-mounted organiser, £35, www.heals.co.uk

Over-door hooks are great for DIY-phobics – just place over the door for instant extra hanging space.

Birdseye door hooks, £29.99, www.stylishlife.co.uk

An upright magazine rack means less clutter on the floor.

Canvas magazine board, £15, www.theholdingcompany.co.uk

Make housework a more cheerful prospect by storing your cleaning products in an easy-reach hanging tidy.

Recycled retro spot wall tidy, £4.95, www.dotcomgiftshop.com

Some of the best storage solutions are those that make a decorative feature out of everyday objects, like this zig-zag rubber wine rack.

Menu wine rack, £29.95, www.modetwentyone.co.uk

Each of these transparent shoe-boxes is a drawer that slides out, so it's as easy to get to the trainers on the bottom as the kitten heels on the top.

Stacking shoe drawers, £28 for a pack of five, www.aplaceforeverything.co.uk


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