Forget A Good Book, Most Adults Check Facebook Before Bed

Forget A Good Book, Most Adults Check Facebook Before Bed

What's the last thing you do before you switch off the lights at bedtime? Set your alarm clock? Read a chapter of the book you're currently reading? Or check your Facebook status?

Seven out of ten people check Facebook before going to sleep. Photo: Stock.xchng, thesaint

If a survey by Travelodge hotels is anything to go by, 72 say they don't go to sleep until they've checked their favourite celebs' tweets), with 18 of us also checking our mobiles for text messages before the light goes out.

Talking about text obsessives, 20 claiming to have been woken up in the middle of the night by their phone's text alert. And 51 of people claim they do their weekly online food shop before going to sleep, with one in ten even paying bills online while snuggling under the duvet.

Experts are of course worried what affect all this tweeting, poking and texting late at night is doing to our health, with some suggesting it's having a negative effect on our sleep quality. For instance, being exposed to light at bedtime has already been linked with depression.

What's the last thing you do before switching off your bedroom light?

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