I Tried It: Lava Shell Facial

I Tried It: Lava Shell Facial

We may not all be able to head to a Caribbean island this winter but a Lava shell facial may just bring you your own little taste of paradise.

Firstly my therapist explained the science behind the experience; real striped tiger clam shells are filled with a natural substance called LavaGel which is a clever little blend of self-heating natural minerals and ingredients. It contains algae and dried sea kelp, which, when combined with salt water generates its own delicious controlled heat.

My face was thoroughly cleansed and spritzed with luxurious products containing natural sea minerals and then the lava shells really came into their own, the combination of the feeling of warm shells with their smooth edges and the therapists hands on my face was fantastic.

The shells were then used on my arms and decolletage and when I was so relaxed I was almost asleep, I was given a natural mud mask and settled down to a full scalp massage.

It was miserable and cold when I got outside, and miserable and cold on the tube home, my skin however was glowing and I felt warmed to the core.

If you're ever invited by Richard Branson to Necker Island, then please ask him for a Lava shells session as the beauticians there are fully trained. If it's good enough for Richard, then it should be good enough for you.

I had my facial at The City Point Club in London, the facial lasts 55 minutes and costs £80.


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