MyDaily Moments From London Fashion Week: Monday

MyDaily Moments From London Fashion Week: Monday

For the rest of the world it was back to work, for those of who hadn't stopped over the weekend, Monday signalled Day Four of London Fashion Week. Here's what kept us smiling...

1. Turning out en masse to support our new Contributing Editor, Christopher Kane's stunning show. He even sneaked us in early to see the run through. Now that's what we call insider access!

2. The out and out decadence of Burberry, set in Kensington Gardens. The combination of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love me," and flurries of indoor snow couldn't help but lift our spirits. Even Anna Wintour cracked a (brief) smile.

3. Watching SamCam impeccably well-dressed minders sweep anyone out of the way who so much hinted that they might want an interview with her. Photos: OK. Speaking to her: not so much.

4. The yoghurt and blueberry muffins at Topshop's show space, where we caught the early morning Peter Pilotto show.

5. Watching the Daily Telegraph's esteemed fashion director, Hilary Alexander, marching down the runway and backstage at Julien Macdonald to demand just why the show was running 45 minutes late.


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