Women Warned Do NOT Delay Motherhood

Women Warned Do NOT Delay Motherhood

A report from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has warned women not to delay motherhood.

The study has found women aged 35 are SIX times more likely to have trouble becoming pregnant compared to women in their twenties.

The report says older parents are increasing the likelihood of serious medical complications and claim that by the age of 40, a woman is more likely to miscarry than give birth.

The report also warns men that the quality of their sperm also declines rapidly from the age of 25, and that it takes the average 40-year-old two years to get his partner pregnant, even if she is younger.

Despite this doom and gloom news, the number of mums having babies post-40 has trebled in the past 20 years, with nearly 27,000 babies were born to mothers over 40 last year compared to with 9,336 in 1989.

The report says women should understand 'the most secure age for childbearing remains 20 to 35'.

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