Essential Baby Kit? New Mums Waste £158m On Useless Baby Gear For Newborns

Essential Baby Kit? New Mums Waste £158m On Useless Baby Gear For Newborns


Essential kit for babies - when you're a first time mum, the lines between necessary and 'cute' and 'want' become a bit blurred. We've all been there - seduced by all those nursery displays; matching cot linen, mobiles and even pictures for the nursery walls.

We've convinced ourselves we need gadgets which wrap pooey nappies, purify the air, provide a video link from our kids' bedrooms, or even enable us to listen to their heartbeats before they are actually born... but guess how much this baby-brain spending is costing?

Well, a new survey puts it at £158million a year on baby gadgets we'll never use!

The poll, undertaken by Bounty, says first time mums spend a whopping £700 equipping their homes for their new arrival, and named air purifiers, video monitors and baby DVDs as the most useless products.

Sally J Hall from Bounty, says: "All babies really need is food, warmth and love." We can't help but agree - but what was your most ridiculous or useless baby-spend?

(Mine was handmade lawn cotton nighties...for a boy)

'Fess up - what did you spend out on for your first born which proved to be a total waste of money?
