Heel Prick Test Midwife Scalds Six-Day-Old Baby's Foot

Heel Prick Test Midwife Scalds Six-Day-Old Baby's Foot


A devastated new mum has told how a midwife plunged her SIX-DAY-OLD baby's foot into a bowl of hot water, leaving her badly scalded.

Julie Ward, 40, from Acton Trussell, Staffordshire, says her newborn daughter Katie was left with skin hanging off her foot after two midwives visited her at home to carry out a 'heel prick test'.

Julie said the midwives - one of whom was a student - asked for a bowl of hot water. It is normal practice to warm the baby's foot in water before pricking the heel, but Julie claims she was not told this is what the water was for.

Julie's mum Kathryn filled the bowl and insists she warned the midwives that it was hot. Julie alleges Katie's entire foot was then dipped in the bowl without the temperature having been checked.

She said: "I heard this howl and I turned round and saw the skin on her foot hanging off.

"I was frantic and I started crying. Her foot blistered over and we took her to hospital. I haven't seen or heard from the midwife since."

"We are not sure how it's going to scar. This shouldn't have happened to my little girl."

Julie says she does not whether Katie will have to have skin grafts to her foot.

Colin Ovington, director of nursing at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, said they were investigating, adding: "We are devastated and would like to apologise."

What an AWFUL story. We hope Katie makes a speedy recovery.
