Interview: Catherine Deneuve - 'Being A Wife Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg'

Interview: Catherine Deneuve - 'Being A Wife Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg'

When her wealthy industrialist husband is taken hostage by his aggrieved employees, Catherine Deneuve's Suzanne - the titular trophy wife (or 'potiche', en francais) - has no choice but to take the reins at the family's umbrella factory. Proving herself to be so much more than another status symbol for her husband's collection, the new responsibilities kickstart Suzanne's transformation into a woman of power.

It's a hugely enjoyable film which manages to keep things light despite touching on a range of serious subjects and, with high profile married women still being celebrated for their wifely skills and good grooming over their personal achievements (Sam Cam, Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton...), it's as relevant today as in its 1970s setting.

Potiche is in cinemas now.


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