Facebook Launches Account Settings For Unborn Babies

Facebook Launches Account Settings For Unborn Babies


If you're pregnant and a Facebook addict, we have some good news.

You can now officially list you are pregnant, and share your due date on the social network, thanks to a fancy new setting Facebook has launched.

Users of the social networking site can further bolster their number of 'friends' by putting their expected off-spring on their 'family' pages, complete with due date and name.

Many parents-to-be had previously started whole new accounts for their bumps - even though this contravences the sites rules which say users must be thirteen or over.

Now, proud mums and dads-to-be can simply edit their own profile page and add Expected Child on to their existing account... (complete with scan pics, and weekly updates from their ante-natal appointments, no doubt...)

How to do it:

Go to 'Edit Profile' on your user profile page

Select the Family & Friends tab and click on 'Add another family member'

Choose 'Expected Child' from the drop down menu

Enter your baby's due date and name

Will you be adding your unborn baby to Facebook? Or is it a ridiculous idea?
