Did Beyonce Fake Her Baby Bump?

Did Beyonce Fake Her Baby Bump?


This has to be one of the weirdest rumours we've heard in a while, but gossip sites are awash with conspiracies that Beyonce Knowles FAKED her baby bump when she made her pregnancy announcement at the recent MTV Video Awards!

Several celebrity websites and entertainment bloggers are convinced that Beyonce used a prosthetic bump to make her look further along, and in turn, generate more of a picture opportunity for the world's press!

The Media Take Out website is so convinced Beyonce has exaggerated how advanced her pregnancy is that they have gone as far as to reveal it as a 'World Exclusive' story AND say that they have the pics to prove she wore a falsie! They go on to allege that Beyonce IS genuinely pregnant, but is nowhere near the widely reported second trimester, and is actually only 8 weeks along.

Well that would certainly explain how trim she was looking in her itsy-bitsy white bikini in Croatia this week, but REALLY, would ANYONE fake a baby bump? Even a celeb?

Check out our pics - what do you think?

