Pregnant Lily Allen Keeps Mum About Sex Of Baby!

Pregnant Lily Allen Keeps Mum About Sex Of Baby!


Pregnant Lily Allen has revealed that she and husband Sam Cooper know the sex of their unborn baby but are not telling anyone - not even her mum!

Speaking to the Evening Standard Lily, 26, who is six months pregnant, admitted she knew if she was having a boy or a girl but said: 'It's between me and the husband. I haven't even told my mum.'

Mum film producer Alison Owens, however, is convinced that Lily is going to furnish her with a little granddaughter - and she has already got a name for her - Betty!

'She thinks she knows what it is and whenever she calls me she refers to the baby as Betty,' Lily says.

Lily also told the paper that she was being closely monitored after tragically losing her unborn son last year and then spending a week in hospital with septicemia. She said she is scanned every Thursday in London, and has been told by her doctors to take it easy - something she swears she IS doing!

'With this pregnancy, especially with what happened last time, I'm getting to the point where I think, f*** everything. It's the one time in my life I'm allowed to do nothing.'

We couldn't agree more!

Did you find out the sex of your baby but keep it a secret?
