Parent 1 And Parent 2 To Replace Mum And Dad On Passport Forms

Parent 1 And Parent 2 To Replace Mum And Dad On Passport Forms


Passport application forms will no longer ask for the details of the applicant's mother and father. Instead, forms will now request the details of 'parent 1' and 'parent 2'.

The Home Office is said to be modifying the application process to allow for same-sex couples.

The Daily Telegraph reports the Government has come under pressure from gay rights group Stonewall to change the application forms. It was claimed the old form was "discriminatory" and did not take into account same-sex couples who had children.

The move has caused outrage amongst some campaigners. Norman Wells, director of the Family Education Trust, told the Daily Mail: "Fathers and mothers are not interchangeable but have quite distinct roles to play in the care and nurture of their children."

What do you think?

Should the form be changed to take into account modern family set-ups?

Or do you agree with Norman Wells - that fathers and mothers are not interchangeable?
