Christina Aguilera Goes Out And Forgets Her Trousers Again

Christina Aguilera Goes Out And Forgets Her Trousers Again

Do you think Christina Aguilera read our memo about the fishnets not being trousers? If she did we think she took the wrong message from the whole thing. Xtina, we didn't mean to imply that it was the type of tights that was the problem, it's the fact that YOU ARE WEARING TIGHTS AS TROUSERS AT ALL.

Photo: Rex

Is this like when you're at primary school and you forget your PE kit and have to do games in your pants? Did Christina/Xtina go to Beverly Hills and forget her outfit so had to visit the shops in her tights? Why didn't she buy something to wear while she was out?


Bottom line: If you can afford Louboutins, you can afford trousers.

If you are similarly trouserless, check out these lovely leg covers from the MyDaily store:


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