Misery Bear Gets Melancholy Montage With Aimee Mann Soundtrack

What Could Be Sadder Than Misery Bear? This!

What could be sadder than a Misery Bear video? Why, a compilation of Misery Bear's saddest video moments set to the music of Aimee Mann!

Aimee Mann has been responsible for some of the most heart-rending soundtracks on the big screen, such as Magnolia, The Fighter and The Jane Austen Book Club. Let's see if she can wring any remaining happiness out of Misery Bear, a bear described on his own website as "the saddest, loneliest, most suicidal teddy bear in the whole world. A borderline alcoholic with anger management issues".

Nat Saunders, the man responsible for Misery Bear, has posted this video to Twitter this morning. Here's hoping it can bring a little joy into your day:


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