Toddlers And Tiaras: Are Pageant Mums Doping Their Daughters To Perform Better?

Toddlers And Tiaras: Are Pageant Mums Doping Their Daughters To Perform Better?

When a mum dressed her toddler as a prostitute and another put her little girl in fishnets and leather, we thought we'd seen everything on Toddlers and Tiaras.

But the hideous child pageant show in America has out done itself, by appearing to show desperate pageant mums doping their child performers with unidentified 'go-go juice' to get them to perform more outrageously.

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In a new clip from the show on Sky and Virgin, little Alana, six, one of the show's contestants, takes a big gulp from a drinking bottle before saying: "My go-go juice is kicking in right now," and then spinning around on the floor. She also tells the show her "special juice is going to help me win!"

Alana's mum June admits she's tried various things to get her daughter more excitable when performing, including feeding her Pixy Stix, powdered sugar, which is known in the 'industry' as powdered crack:

"We had tried Pixy Stix, as they're called 'pageant crack.' We went through 15 bags at one pageant, and it just don't do anything for her.

"A lot of moms say, 'Oh, well you're doping up your child,' well hey, no I'm not. I'm not hurting her."

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After necking the 'go-go juice', Alana takes to the stage in a Daisy Duke inspired get-up, before saying: "Go-go juice makes me laughy, and play-ey, and makes me feel like I want to pull my mommy's hair."

Her mum June shouts encouragement from sidelines, revoltingly shaking her stuff to Alana's dance moves to 'help' her daughter remember the moves.

Toddlers and Tiaras is on Wednesday nights at 10pm, Sky and Virgin

Truly shocking stuff.

What do you make of the show, and the mums in it?
