Toy Town: Street Artists Design Little Monsters

Toy Town: Street Artists Design Little Monsters

Street artists work with the grittier side of life, so it's not surprising they've jumped at the opportunity for a little escapism.

Creative business Dudebox has harnessed the artistic talent of street innovators Hicks, Attaboy, Jonny Wan and more to produce a range of cool little creatures - allowing collectors and graffiti fans alike to have a little bit of urban art on their shelves.

Indeed, as Dudebox's creative director Sichi says: "The beauty of these objects is they are art, produced to a limited edition which makes them affordable. It means anyone can be a contemporary art collector. The magic is that the creations are so diverse you can always find something you like."

The vinyl toys may be art, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with them - as our gallery shows, these little critters are totally at home in the place they were inspired by: the street.


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