Win A HappyLand Race Track Sports Day Set From ELC!

Win A HappyLand Race Track Sports Day Set From ELC!


The HappyLand Race Track Sports Day Set is a great sporting addition to the HappyLand world, and is the perfect toy to get your little ones (and you!) excited about the Olympics.

The set includes an eight piece puzzle which when made creates the tracks for all of your sporting events, a podium for your HappyLand characters to stand on, four hurdles, a highjump stand and bar.

To complete the set, the track also comes with three HappyLand runners, three paralympians, a photographer to take lots of fantastic pictures of the race and a HappyLand character with a whistle to start all of your races.

To celebrate the Olympics, we have 10 HappyLand Race Tracks up for grabs, worth £20 each.
