Teen Rapist Returns To Local School After Attack On Four-Year-Old Girl

Teen Rapist Returns To Local School After Attack On Four-Year-Old Girl


A boy of 15 who raped a girl of four when he was 14 has been allowed to return to his old school, much to the fury of some parents.

The boy - who cannot be named for legal reasons - raped the four-year-old girl when her parents asked him to babysit her for two hours.

Whilst the mum and dad - who knew the boy and were friends with his family - were out watching their other child in a Christmas play - the youth blindfolded the little girl with a Hello Kitty apron and raped her.

Now, he has returned to his local school after a judge let him off with community and sexual offence prevention orders.

Judge Gareth Hawkesworth, sitting at Cambridge Crown Court, blamed society for letting the boy be corrupted by online porn.

The youth confessed after the little girl told her parents what had happened. The boy told the police he had 'lost his mind' and that his 'hormones took over'.

Despite the boy's identity not being released, one parent with children at the boy's school said a lot of the other mums and dads knew exactly who he was and were 'extremely fearful'.

A spokesman from the boy's school told The Sun: "It would be wholly inappropriate to comment on arrangements for an individual pupil.

"The school's focus will be on ensuring it meets the educational and well-being needs of all pupils."

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