Weigh To Go! Mum Gives Birth To World's Heaviest Triplets

Weigh To Go! Mum Gives Birth To World's Heaviest Triplets


Weigh to go, Mum! A woman has given birth to the world's heaviest triplets – weighing in at a whopping 20lb (that's altogether, not each – thankfully!).

Brittany Deen, from Sacramento, California, had the three big bruiser boys on November 8, and although the record has not been officially announced, the lads are expected to be a shoe-in to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Her healthy triplets were delivered at 37 weeks by C-section. First-born Sidney came in at a 7lb 8oz, and brother Elliott was close behind at 7lb 3oz, and little brother Jenson tipped the scale at 5lb 5oz.

The hospital recorded the birth weights and now the family has to submit the paperwork to Guinness for verification. The current record is held by a couple in North Carolina who had triplets weighing a total of 18lb 11oz in 2011.

Brittany, 32, who conceived the boys naturally, attended weekly classes at the Sutter Memorial's Moms of Multiples Center to learn how to give her triplets the best possible neonatal care.

"Being a mom of a multiple birth is really scary," she told the Sacramento Bee.

"You hear of complications and challenges. I hope that seeing me and hearing about my positive experience will inspire other mothers not to be scared, and will help others to realize they're not alone."

Brittainy paid special attention to learning how to eat for four - which meant consuming up to 6,000 calories a day. She ate as many as a dozen eggs daily, and had a full meals every two hours.

New dad Jason said they were thrilled with the outcome, even though they originally had planned on only having one or two babies.

"Three, we agreed, was too many," the happy dad said, cradling his boys.
