How To Get The Bum Of A '22 Year Old Stripper' By Gwyneth Paltrow

How To Get The Bum Of A '22 Year Old Stripper' By Gwyneth Paltrow

Perhaps It's All Good is putting it lightly because clearly the kitchen is not the only room in the house where Gwyneth Paltrow owns it.

Gwyn told US Weekly about that fierce fitness regime she prides herself on, and how trainer Tracy Anderson has helped to sculpt her perfect pins along with some serious boudoir confidence: "It did such wonders for my life, my confidence, my sex life, everything." Steamy.

PLUS the 40-year-old actress-come-culinary-goddess revealed that when it comes to her bod, sorry butt, according to a close friend: 'It's not so bad for a 22-year-old stripper!"

Well, with an infamous trainer (Anderson gave Madonna those guns) and friends that dish out these kinda complements no wonder Gwyns been taken to heady heights. And who doesn't want a tight ass like a, er, stripper? You know what - stripper is actually a look we'd be cool with side-lining. But you go Gwyn.

Gotta hand it to the gal, she looks good - damn good. So hats off Gwyn you're officially one lean, mean, exercising machine:


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