Talent-Spotting At Graduate Fashion Week: Marina Hoermanseder

Talent-Spotting At Graduate Fashion Week: Marina Hoermanseder

Marina Hoermanseder is a Fashion Design graduate from Esmod Berlin International University of Art for Fashion and following her internship with Alexander McQueen last summer, she started creating her degree collection Ilpox in January. Said collection involved a study on the orthopaedic practices of the eighteenth-century which is where Marina took her inspiration from. Wait! It gets better.

Translating the skeletal and muscular condition (tampered with by infectious skin disorders such as smallpox) into leather sculptures, orthapaedic corsets, bandaged bodyplates and headpieces makes Marina's collection complex and contemporary. She's got serious vision and this handcrafted collection is unbelievable.

"I wanted to design a collection that gave women support, that literally helped them stand taller, stronger. Many of my leather pieces are fully studded, I also moulded the corsets by wetting and twisting the leather to accentuate the spine curvatures."

Click through this gallery to see the mastery in action...

For more information on Marina and her Ilnox collection visit her website: www.marinahoermanseder.com


See all the latest graduate fashion and degree shows here.


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