Cory Booker Meditating After 'Remarkably Unhealthy' Campaign Lifestyle

Cory Booker Meditating After 'Remarkably Unhealthy' Campaign Lifestyle

Life on the campaign trail is notoriously unhealthy. Political candidates have to happily chomp down on corn dogs, giant turkey legs and various other meats on sticks to prove to voters they're just regular people. Long days often stretch into late nights, with little sleep and too much coffee or Red Bull.

"I have been remarkably unhealthy during the intensity of this campaign, [while] still running the city," newly elected Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) told The Huffington Post. "I have literally eaten my way through New Jersey. I lost count of the number of diners I've eaten in."

But now that the campaign's over, Booker has been trying to get back into his normal routine, which includes morning meditation, prayer and workouts.

"It's the routines of life that give you strength," he said. "So I've already gotten back into that routine of waking up and meditating and spending a good amount of time in meditation and prayer, and working out as I did this morning ... and I started to eat healthy meals that empower my body and spirit."

Booker added that now, when he and his staff work on his schedule, they try to make time for these restorative activities.

"This is a lesson in life. It's like giving blood," he said. "Service is great, and we should all give blood, but you can't do it all without taking time to replenish, or else you'll drive yourself to the ground.

"And that really is diet, exercise, the spirit -- which is meditation and prayer for me -- and then rest, making sure [to] sleep," he said.

Booker beat Republican Steve Lonegan in an Oct. 16 special election to replace the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.). Vice President Joe Biden swore Booker into the Senate on Thursday at noon.

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