Kelly Brook Reveals Her Next Big Role On Instagram: Starring In A Cadbury's Ad

Kelly Brook Reveals Her Next Big Role On Instagram: Starring In A Cadbury's Ad

She's officially got the best booty in showbiz and she's a lady who loves a good chocolate fix. Kelly Brook is our kind of gal.

The 34-year-old model and TV personality shared an Instagram selfie (of course she did) revealing her latest venture - a Cadbury's commercial ad.

What's the bet it's a sexy kind of commercial? No really - the big bouffant hair and that pout is a bit of a giveaway, no?

Either way Kelly is sure to keep us #ChocolateLovers in the loop via her Twitter/Instagram feeds so all we gotta do is wait.

Until then, here's a few more photos to give you a glimpse of how she rolls...


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