12-Year-Old Given Bottle Of Vodka For Sleepover

12-Year-Old Given Bottle Of Vodka For Sleepover
Shutterstock / Alekseev Ivan

A pregnant mother was arrested after giving a friend's 12-year-old daughter a bottle of vodka at a sleepover with school friends.

Hazel Aitchison, 26, admitted giving the girl a quarter bottle of spirits but told police the girl's mum had given her permission to let the girl have booze.

At Falkirk Sheriff Court, Aitchison, who is due to give birth in April, admitted culpably and recklessly purchasing and providing alcohol for a 12-year-old in her care and allowing it to be consumed at her home.

Sheriff John Mundy deferred sentence for six months. The girl was in her care when Aitchison was given money to buy the booze.

Adrian Fraser, prosecuting, said: "She went to the shop and returned a short time later, giving the young person a quarter bottle of vodka and some change.

"She then allowed the alcohol to be consumed by the youngster in her charge."

Fraser said when Aitchison was charged, she told police, 'I only did it once' and that the girl's mum had given permission.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: "Individuals aged over 18 should never purchase alcohol for those under the legal age.

"We will investigate all circumstances where it is suspected an adult has supplied youths with drink.

"Retailers are also reminded to be vigilant for anyone attempting to proxy purchase and report any suspicions."
