Are You A Mammarazzi Endlessly Photographing Children And Posting Pics?

Are You A Mammarazzi Endlessly Photographing Children And Posting Pics?

When my son was a baby 11 years ago now, all I had to take photos of him was a camera that took film. Photos of him were carefully constructed and you hoped and prayed several weeks later when you eventually finished the film, that there would be some half decent photos.

By the time Cat arrived three years later, I didn't have anything and my kind brother lent me his polaroid camera for a while until I had a phone that took photos.

By the time Mouse arrived two and a bit years after Cat, all of her first moments were electronically stored on Facebook.

Now nearly everyone has a smart phone and the ability to take photos whenever has become a bit of a daily occurrence.

In fact I've become part of the Mammarazzi - mums who take photos of their kids ALL OF THE TIME!

So instead of going around papping my kids, I'm mamming them. Um, that does sound odd and so does being mammed. It is part of life for most now and I don't think I have ever given a second thought to how many photos I take of them (most do get deleted).

I know whenever I'm out my phone is the first thing I reach for so I can take a few photos and I send the best ones to Instagram and then reshare to FB.

But I wonder are we relying too much on the ability to take photos, rather than using our memories and most of all are we missing out on just enjoying the moment?

Could you leave your phones in your pocket when you got out for the day?

Is it necessary to take photos of your kids every waking or sleeping moment?

Aly is a single mother of 3 kids. They live in the South West of England in between Stonehenge and Avebury. Aly is a Pagan, greenie, vegetarian and eco-warrior in training. She loves crafting, slow food, foraging, science fiction/fantasy and beards.

Blogs at: Plus 2.4

Twitter: @plus2point4
