Beauty And The Bride: Winter Wedding Fragrance

Beauty And The Bride: Winter Wedding Fragrance

Finding the right dress, flowers and location is one thing, but planning for wedding in the winter months means a whole different set of priorities for the bride-to-be.

Aside from keeping warm, there's also the not-so-crucial matter of fragrance to think about too. As the seasons change, so do our tastes in scent and while some perfumes scream summer holiday, others evoke memories of cosy, autumn evenings.

So, what type of perfume should winter brides look for? Nick Gilbert from Penhaligon's suggests avoiding citrus scents. Instead, stick to oriental, spicy fragrances that are "woodsy, ambery and resinous", he told us.

And if amber isn't your thing? Foody scents such as vanilla, nut and quince are often popular in winter fragrances, while tuberose and lily are the dominant florals.

However - if you're experimenting with something new, the most important thing is to make sure you and your husband-to-be actually like it.

"Wear it a few times before the wedding on stress free days to make sure you are comfortable in the scent. Shop without your partner or friends, who have different tastes to you", suggests Gilbert.

Here's our pick of the best fragrances for winter weddings:


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