Children As Young As Nine Treated For Eating Disorders

Children As Young As Nine Treated For Eating Disorders

It has been claimed that the NHS is treating children as young as nine for anorexia.

Overall, the health service is dealing with 'record' numbers of patients with eating disorders, with 350 beds being taken up every night by people with eating-related illnesses.

The Mail reports that pro-anorexia websites are being blamed for the rise in cases among young people, and that the NHS is 'under fire' for refusing to treat patients who are not 'thin enough'.

It also reports that 15 children aged between five and nine were hospitalised with food related disorders last year.

The figures are from the Health and Social Care Information Centre who say that patients with anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders accounted for 122,150 bed nights in 2012/13, up from 100,550 in 2011/12.

In 2002/3, 51,878 bed days were taken up by patients with eating disorders.

The Centre says a total of 2,381 patients were admitted to hospital last year, with three-quarters suffering from anorexia, compared with 2,287 in the previous 12 months.
