How To Make A Paloma Cocktail (It's Healthier Than A Pina Colada)

How To Make A Paloma Cocktail (It's Healthier Than A Pina Colada)

Love a Margarita? Us too! And guess what? It turns out there's more than one traditional Mexican cocktail. If you've never heard of the Paloma, it's a tequila-based drink served long over ice with grapefruit juice and a hint of lime.

It's easy to make and best of all - without all that coconut cream, it's a healthier cocktail option than a Pina Colada with just 130 calories per serving.

Fancy trying one at home? The experts at Jose Cuervo told us how:

1. Salt the rim of a long glass

2. Add 1 shot of Jose Cuervo Tradicional

3. Top up with Grapefruit soda

4. Finish with a squeeze of lime

5. Serve over crushed ice

6. Garnish with a wedge of fresh grapefruit

7. Enjoy!



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