Kate Middleton's Burlesque Dancer Cousin Does Saucy Shoot For Inked Magazine (And Yes, Her Tattoos Are Pretty Cool)

Kate Middleton's Burlesque Dancer Cousin Does Saucy Shoot For Inked Magazine (And Yes, Her Tattoos Are Pretty Cool)

Katrina Darling is a 23 year-old former banker now earning her stripes as a Burlesque dancer. She's also Kate Middleton's second cousin once removed.

Darling has stripped off for a photo shoot with Ink Magazine this month which reveals her eclectic mix of tattoos - we're talking roses, a cat, a stag's head and a black swan.

The platinum blonde, porcelain beauty models a selection of lingerie teamed with ankle-strap stilettos and a faux fur collar. She's writhing around on a piano, she's applying lipstick, she's doing very very sexy.

Naturally, Darling's raunchy "God Save the Queen" routine (she styles and choreographs too) draws in quite an audience as does the family connection with the Duchess of Cambridge. Darling tells the magazine: "I have performed for everybody from plumbers to princes.

"Burlesque really gives me a platform to be as creative as I want to be while I tell a story," she tells Ink. "I want you to be entertained, to see something visually gorgeous and awe-inspiring."

Darling has that whole sultry, smouldering thing down to a tee and her penchant for tattoos proves she more than makes the #InkedGirls clique.

The thing is, what would Kate say?

Here's a few more shots of Darling doing her thing...


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