Mirror Mirror: Paigey Cakey

Mirror Mirror: Paigey Cakey

Basketball jerseys, GCSEs and what she wanted to be when she grew up... We caught up with Hackney-born actress and singer Paigey Cakey as she hits the road with We Live #The_Dream UK tour...

When I look in the mirror I see... big dreams! I really feel I'm fulfilling my purpose in life and I'm aiming to leave a major mark on both the music and acting worlds.

If I were stranded on a desert island with one thing it would be... my Chicago Bulls jersey. I love it! The Chicago Bulls are my favourite basketball team!

When I was at school I wanted to be... a vet! I was, and still am, obsessed with monkeys! I never pursued the vet career - I would've loved it though. I love animals. When I was 16, I released for my a song for my GCSE music project.

It got over 10,000 views on YouTube in its first month. That led to my passion in music and recognising that I had a gift that I wanted to share to the world. From there I've has a roller coaster of opportunities in this field!

My biggest style triumph was... I swag out everyday. Most messages from my supporters on Twitter and Facebook are about my style and me being a style "icon" in fact!

If I could be any character from film or literature I'd be... Storm form X Men. I love the power that she has over the weather. I would keep the UK hot all year round! Also, she's a spiritual person and I like that compared to other superheroes.

Catch Paigey Cakey on the We Live #The_Dream - a specially commissioned UK tour which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream!' speech, produced by Punch Records - until 14 October 2013. Click here for more info.


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