Prince Harry And Prince William's Buckingham Palace Selfie

Prince Harry And Prince William's Buckingham Palace Selfie

Prince Harry and Prince William have officially taken the world's best selfie. Yup, they've totally knocked Kim Kardashian off her duck pouting pedestal as they posed for a snap with internet entrepreneur Jamal Edwards at Buckingham Palace.

The trio took the very first palace selfie as they launched an online search for inspirational young people from around the Commonwealth on behalf of their grandmother the Queen.

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Seen poking their fingers at the lens mimicking the famous "Your Country Needs You!" pose, the princes' snap has gone viral.

The campaign will select 60 young leaders every year for the next four years and support them in their work. The Queen's Young Leaders was launched in honour of Queen Elizabeth's 60-year contribution to the Commonwealth.

Speaking about the project Harry said: "I have been fortunate to meet many amazing and inspirational young people in recent years.

"Each is unique in many ways, and yet they all hold the same belief, that they can, and will, improve the lives of those around them. Where others see challenges, they see opportunity!"

William added: "Believe in yourself - you have a lot more to say than you think."

We're not sure about you but we'd love to see Hazza and Wills take a leaf out of Alex Baldwin's wife Hilaria's selfie-taking handbook and strike some off the wall poses.

In case you didn't know, Hilaria constantly takes pictures of herself mid-yoga posture and shares them on Instagram. Even when you live in Manhattan there really is no place where you can't squeeze in a cheeky chaturanga...


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