'SpeedRead With Spritz' Brings 1000 Words-Per-Minute Reading To Google Play Books And Pocket

This Speed-Reading App Can Turn You Into A Super Human

An app designed to let you read at speeds up to 1000 words per minute on your own has been launched on the Google Play app store.

The technique is deceptively simple; it’s all about reducing eye movement and increasing the speed of comprehension.

By flashing words in careful alignment, one after the other, Spritz can easily match and exceed normal reading speeds (around 200 words a minute) to more than 400. With practice, and for short periods, it’s possible to get even quicker - at 1,000 words a minute the first Harry Potter book would take only 77 minutes to read.

This is how it works:

SpeedRead With Spritz’ takes the widely applauded Spritz technology - which relies on flashing up carefully placed words in sequence as an alternative to traditional reading - and puts it in a simple app connected to Google Play Books and Pocket.

The result is a consumer-focused, neatly packaged implementation of the tech — and the opportunity for everyone to realise why Spritz is so exciting. It works with any reading service with a 'text to speech' functionality.

HuffPost US spoke to the app’s creator Scott Brady, who said he made the app without Spritz’s help but has since been in close contact with them.

His app is the first to work with Google Play Books and Pocket - though not Kindle. It’s also not available on iOS - though there are other options with Spritz built in on both platforms, including HuffPost’s own iOS app. There is a full list of decent Spritz implementations over at the official website.


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