Chris Evans Shreds Right-Wing 'Pile Of Trash' Who Mocked School Shooting Survivors

Captain America isn't having it.

Conservative author and felon Dinesh D’Souza apologized on Wednesday for tweets he posted that mocked the teen survivors of last week’s school shooting in Florida, which left 17 people dead.

But many responders told him where to stick his apology, including Captain America:

On Tuesday, D’Souza shared an image of the survivors weeping while they watched Florida lawmakers vote against discussion of a gun-control bill, and wrote: “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs.

That and other tweets he posted about the survivors were described as “vile,” “disgusting” and “ghoulish.” Even many of D’Souza’s fellow conservatives slammed him over the tweets. The Fulshear Area Chamber of Commerce in Texas even canceled an event featuring D’Souza, according to Media Matters.

However, he remains on the masthead of the National Review as a contributor.

Before You Go

1981: The Attempted Assassination Of President Ronald Reagan

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