21 Oft-Overlooked, Must-Have Items For Your Baby Registry

21 Oft-Overlooked, Must-Have Items for Your Baby Registry

You're standing in the store, scan gun ready to go and then it hits you: you actually have no idea what you really need to put on your registry for baby. Do you want this set of animal bibs or do you need them? Even if you've done the research, it's hard to know what exactly will work for you until baby is actually here.

We get it, which is why we did a little research of our own -- and consulted some veteran parents (including some HuffPost moms) -- to find out exactly what are the must-have items for your baby registry.

So take a deep breath, check out our list and then scan your heart out.

Vulli Sophie The Giraffe Teether
No other zoo animal can soothe a teething baby like Sophie can. She's soft enough for little mouths and look at those legs! Perfect for gnawing on. "Didn't think she was worth the price until my daughter," says Twitter user @AndTheBaby. Amazon, $18.
Fisher-Price Baby Papasan Infant Seat
Whether you need to calm a crying baby, or just keep them occupied, this infant seat will do the trick. Dad Shaun Kempston says he used this for his colicky baby. "WHY DON'T THEY MAKE THIS FOR GROWN-UPS?" he tweeted. 'Nuff said. Amazon, $69.
Steaming Bags
Recommended by Daily Momtivity, the Medela steaming bags clean and disinfect breast pumps and all those teeny, hard-to-clean parts, as well as pacifiers and cups. Daily Momtivity sums it up in one word: "Genius." Amazon, $6.
Aquaphor Healing Ointment
Hell hath no fury like a baby with diaper rash. Luckily, Aquaphor is a great tool to combat itchy, cracked or rashy skin. One of the moms at HuffPost suggested to apply "Aquaphor like it's your job." Amazon, $30.
Bustier Pumping Bra
Buy Buy Baby
This bra is like the bluetooth for pumping breastmilk. You can put it on and then go on with your usual activities. According to one staff mom, "you can check your Facebook feed, stir the pot on the stove and pump at the same time." Buy Buy Baby, $34.
NoseFrida Snotsucker
Perfect for babes who can't blow their own noses, but are miserably stuffed up. "The Nosefrida is also a genius invention, and babies love to have their snot sucked. Mine laugh hysterically." -- HuffPost mom FridaBaby, $15.
Pee-Pee Teepee
Veteran parents know that changing a baby boy's diaper isn't the easiest of tasks. Once they start peeing, you best get out of the way. However, the Pee-Pee Teepee can eliminate that by slipping the "teepee" over the loose cannon. "I think they're one of the greatest inventions ever, likely sparing me from gallons of urine in the face," says another parent. Amazon, $10.
Cool-Mist Humidifier
Suggested by multiple parents, the cool-mist humidifier is an oft-overlooked item that can make dry winter months much easier to tolerate. Consumer Reports recommends them because unlike some warm-mist versions, the cool humidifiers won't cause accidental burns. Amazon, $47.
Lobster Highchair Seat
Whether you're on the go or in your own home, the lobster highchair seat makes an easy alternative to bulky highchairs -- especially if you love to eat out. Amazon, $78.
Boppy Pillow
Amanda on Facebook explained that she didn't know she'd need The Boppy Pillow until she started breastfeeding: "I knew I was going to nurse however didn't realize how difficult it can be if both mom and baby are comfortable." Even if you're not nursing, or if either parent is bottle feeding, the pillow can alleviate tired arms. Boppy, $50.
Rock & Play
Many parents just typed "Rock & Play!!!" when we asked about great products, so there you go. Amazon, $62.
Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets
Aden and Anais
Jacqui on Facebook suggested Aden and Anais swaddle blankets: "I didn't put them on my registry because I thought they were overpriced and I wouldn't buy them myself so I figured I wouldn't make anyone else. But I was given some from a friend that no longer needed them for her daughter and I love them so much. They ended up being the only blankets we used for her. They are beautiful and light and long enough for a good swaddle that kept my daughter comfortable." Aden and Anais, $49.
Maya Wrap Baby Sling
Maya Wrap
Take a load off ... well, your arms at least. Baby slings allow parents to have their arms free but hold baby (or toddler) close. Crystle on Twitter said "I went through three other carriers before landing on this one." Maya Wrap, $79.
Itzbeen Pocket Nanny Baby Care Timer
Most parents will have monitors, white-noise machines and automated diaper pails on their registry. But the nanny baby care timer goes the extra mile for sleep-deprived moms and dads. The timers track the last time you changed the baby, fed or administered them medication or put them down for a nap. "Used it w/ our 1st child all the time," said Twitter user Megan. "Plan to use it w/ baby #2." Itzbeen, $24.
Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes
You can't go wrong with the Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes toy. "Great for keeping them occupied with music and flashing lights," a HuffPost mom said. It's also small enough to easily toss in your diaper bag. Target, $8.
Babysitting Coupons
You'll need the necessities for when baby arrives, but as many parents know, babysitting can be an invaluable gift. Add pre-designed printable babysitting coupons to your registry and see who takes the bait -- er, gift. Empapers, $3.
Bassinet Mattress Covers
Buy Buy Baby
You can never have too many bassinet covers. Another HuffPost mom weighed in, "Extra bassinet mattress covers were ordered within 24 hours of making it home thanks to spit-up and the like." Buy Buy Baby, $59.
Lansinoh Breast Cream
With 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon, Lansinoh breastfeeding cream is very much the lotion of choice. It soothes dry and cracked skin to make breastfeeding a more pleasant experience for mother and baby. Amazon, 12.
Sound Machine
The Cloud b Sleep Sheep On The Go Travel Sound Machine makes four different soothing sounds and can attach to car seats or strollers. "Rather than shssssssh your lips off till your throat is bone dry, this Sheep does the work for you and can be adjusted in volume for any ambient noise," reviewed Cherelle on Amazon. Amazon, $24.
Reusable Baby Food Containers
Whether you make your own baby food or don't want to waste an unfinished container, these small containers come in handy. They're BPA-free, and "the food containers and tray snap together for space-efficiency in your freezer" Amazon, $18.
No explanation needed.

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