Menstrual cycle

There is so much information to be had at your fingertips if you start to take notice of it.
Your cycle affects much more than you might realise, including your ability to exercise.
For all the strides we've made for equality, our working system still undervalues women who suffer with their menstrual cycle, writes Claire Maxwell.
If £5 a month doesn't sound like much, just remember families in poverty don’t work in pounds, they work in pence, writer Sorrel Kinton says.
Experts – as well as men and women who love period sex – share how to make sex during your menstrual cycle more enjoyable.
Maisie Hill used to suffer with terrible period pain, before she embarked on discovering what was happening with her body and her menstrual cycle. Finding that acupuncture and understanding the seasons of the cycle reduced the pain of her period, Maisie is now helping other women get to know their menstrual cycle better and to use it to their benefit.
We need to be unapologetic about menstrual wellbeing and raise our voices to get a fair deal for the millions of women in the UK suffering with menstrual-related conditions
We’re still leaving women like Lena Dunham with too few options for dealing with her pain, leading to her taking the extreme measure of having a hysterectomy
Girls are unwittingly learning and applying endurance, managerial and organisational skills through their periods