Tip Of The Day - How To Start Your Own Home Business

Tip Of The Day - How To Start Your Own Home Business

When you have a young family, you may have thought about starting your own business from home, rather than going out to work for someone else.

Studies suggest that more than half of new mums would like to run their own business, and the number of mumpreneurs is growing daily. If you want to start your own home business, here are some pointers from Antonia Chitty, author of Family Friendly Working, to get you going:

1. List your priorities such as earning money, or finding work that lets you stay home with your children.

2. Write down your skills, and ask others what they think you're good at. This can help you weigh up whether different businesses will suit you.

3. Think about the hours you can devote to working. Be realistic if you plan to work around the kids, as they may not understand "mummy's working".

4. Get a great business idea. You may want to create a product or service to solve a problem you've had as a mum, or perhaps you might like to retrain in an area which interests you. Or, you may have a hobby which you'd like to turn into a business.

5. Check out the business opportunities offered by others. Have you thought of direct sales, such as party plan or door-to-door selling? Visit the Direct Selling Association for ideas.

6. Research the market for your business. Will people buy your product or service? Is it unique enough to be appealing?

7. Pop into a local Enterprise Agency for advice. The Inland Revenue can also send an advisor to your house.

8. Go to The Mumpreneur Guide for a free start up e-course to help you get your business going.

9. Prepare a business plan. Set out aims and objectives, and the steps to take to achieve your goals. There is a free business plan guide to download at www.prbasics.co.uk

10. Work out how you will promote and market your business.

If you're not sure where to start developing your business ideas, sign up for the Ideas and Inspirations E-course at Family Friendly Working. Good luck with your new enterprise.
