Practical Ways To Get Fit With Your Kids

Practical Ways To Get Fit With Your Kids

Are you longing to get fit but always use the excuse – 'I can't, I've got to look after the kids'? Banish those excuses; get your kids involved too. By simply incorporating exercise into your daily routine, or making it into a game or adventure of sorts, you'll be able to keep them entertained and ensure you reach your weight loss goals.

Exercising with the Pram

Our Community Users who have babies or small children say that they find walking or even running with the pram is a great way to exercise.

"I have a 7 month old baby daughter, and unless I get a baby sitter I have no chance!" says Claire from the West Midlands. "I put my daughter in the push chair, and we go out for a nice long walk."

"When my two were young I used to put them in the pram and go for a run," says Kate from Leeds. "The kids really enjoyed themselves, laughing at the bumpy ride!"


Once the children are a little older, leave the car at home. Walking is a great way to exercise with your children; not only will you get fitter, but you will also be helping the environment too!

"We've got one of those baby carriers for your back," says Maxine from Sussex. "My husband and I have started to go for nice long walks at the weekend. It's great as you don't have to worry about the pram getting stuck in the mud, and not only are we getting fit, but it's great being out in the fresh air."

"I walk everywhere with the kids," says Jess from Southport. "We go out in all weather - the kids love putting on their wellies and warm jumpers in the winter. They especially love to go on walks along the beach."

"I've started to walk the kids to school," says Mary from Sheffield. "We make a game of it, and set ourselves time targets which we then try to beat. We are all starting to feel a lot healthier now."

Playing Football

Another good way to get fit is to get the kids to emulate their footie heros in a local park.

"I take my children to the local field with a football, and we have a good kick around. I tell you, chasing two toddlers across a field to get the ball back, and then kicking it away from us all to chase again gets your pulse racing!" says Susan from Northumberland.


Cycling is a great way to get fit with both younger and older children.

"We love to go on family cycle rides," says Betty from Wales. "The older two children ride on their own bikes and the little one sits on a seat at the back of his dad's bike. We pack a picnic and make a day of it. It's great fun!"

Dance Mat

Lucy from Essex admits: "I love to work out on my daughter's dance mat! It is great; the kids get fed up with me though because I take over!"

"Our dance mat is brilliant," says Julie from Cleveland. "We can put our own music on it and it makes up dances. Me and the kids play on it all the time, it really gives you a good work out."


Skipping can be fun and is a really good way to get fit; it also gives you a fantastic cardio workout.

"We've got a skipping rope," says Mary from Cheshire. "My girls love it when we play skipping, and it's good fun and can be done indoors or outdoors."


Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise as it works almost all of your major muscle groups - your arms, legs, back, bum, and chest, as well as your heart and lungs.

"I'm always going swimming with the kids," says Irene from Manchester. "It's great now that they are a bit older, because we have competitions to see who can swim the most lengths in five or 10 minutes. It's a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time."

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