Criminal Record Checks For Parent Volunteers - Is This A Good Thing?

Criminal Record Checks For Parent Volunteers - Is This A Good Thing?

Parents who drive kids around for sports or social clubs will have to undergo criminal record checks or face fines of up to £5,000, it has been reported.

The Government is introducing the new Vetting and Barring Scheme to try to stop paedophiles getting access to children.

Parents who help out with clubs like the Cub Scouts or junior football teams will have to register with the Independent Safeguarding Authority.

All 300,000 school governors will also have to register along with ever doctor, nurse, teacher, dentist and prison officer. A total of 11.3 million people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are expected to register.

There's been a big stink about this in some of the press and among opposition politicians, with claims it will put people off volunteering.

But would you rather your child was in the care of an adult who could be a paedophile? As long as it's not too difficult to register, I don't see the problem.

The scheme is being introduced following recommendations by the Bichard report into the Soham murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman by Ian Huntley, who was the caretaker at their school.

Huntley was given the job despite allegations of sex with underage girls in his past, which were not passed on. The new vetting process would supposedly pick up allegations like these.

The Daily Mail, in its usual understated way, says: "Now we're all suspected perverts" and calls it a "Big Brother" move.

Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling told the BBC: "This new regime has the potential to be a real disaster for activities involving young people.

"We are going to drive away volunteers, we'll see clubs and activities close down and we'll end up with more bored young people on our streets."

Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne said the government was "in danger of creating a world in which we think every adult who approaches children means to do them harm".

"Should parents who give other people's children a lift to sports matches really face a £5,000 fine and criminal record if they fail to register?" he added.

What do you think? Is this a good idea to keep our kids safe or an over-reaction which will put people off helping out?

Source: AOL News

Source: Daily Mail
