New Pill To Stop Pregnancy After Up To Five Days

New Pill To Stop Pregnancy After Up To Five Days

A new "morning-after" pill can stop unwanted pregnancies up to five days after sex, it has been reported.

The drug was tested in a study of 5,500 women, published in the Lancet, and stopped 98 effective if taken within 24 hours.

But it's only 58% effective after three days.

The new pill, Ellaone,which delivers a dose of a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone, is available on prescription for £17, compared with £6 for Levonorgestrel.

I reckon many women will think the extra cash is worth it to stop an unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, ideally you wouldn't get pregnant by accident in the first place. But people make mistakes.

Would the tabloids rather bring more unwanted children into the world?

Source: The Sun

Source: Daily Mail
