ASDA Offers A Week's Worth Of School Uniforms For £10

ASDA Offers A Week's Worth Of School Uniforms For £10

School uniforms have been at the centre of a supermarket battle for a few years now, with the big brands desperately trying to undercut their competitors on price. Online stores like Woolworths have also upped the ante when it comes to stocking up on shirts and ties.

Great news for parents in the recession!

After all, this is an essential item that parents everywhere fork out for every few months. The nature of children also means whatever they buy usually becomes the victim of holes, stains or unmentionables.

So, how can we stock up on uniform without venturing into the overdraft?Whilst Mum's favourite Marks & Spencers are doing well with a 3 for 2 deal, they've been somewhat upstaged by ASDA. The huge supermarket chain is now offering a whole week's worth of school uniform for £10.

The offer is for three packs for £10, which includes the five-pack of polo shirts, five-pack of white shirts and two-pack of cardigans.

Where do you buy your school uniform? Do you go for bargains over quality?
