Modern Dads Are Better At Parenting - New Study

Modern Dads Are Better At Parenting - New Study

Modern fathers are more likely to think being a good dad means "being there, being present, spending time and being accessible," and not being a traditional "breadwinner," according to a new study.

Research by the Boston College Centre for Work and Family shows there has been a change in men's attitudes towards parenting and work.

The authors of the new study write: "Overall, our research found fathers who were deeply committed to care-giving and sharing the work as evenly as possible with their spouses.

"Men seem poised to embrace a new definition of fatherhood and to step up to the challenges and the rewards of parenting in a much fuller sense than was the case in the past."

Most fathers also said that their self-image at work improved when they had children, with their reputation, credibility and career options increasing.

Dads said they weren't prepared for how much hard work looking after a child can be - who is?

But they said they chose to spend time with their children, often instead of spending time on personal activities they previously enjoyed.

Often, their priorities changed so they were more focused on family and less on work, according to the report.

"In many studies, younger workers have placed a greater emphasis on autonomy and work-life balance than is the case with previous generations," the researchers said.

"One hypothesis is that the affluence that the youngest working generation has experienced has led to a greater emphasis on and concern for quality of life issues, as opposed to simply focusing on earnings and promotional opportunities as the most important determinants of success."

The researchers say more needs to be done in the workplace to make it easier for men to become more involved with family life.

"Men seem poised to embrace a new definition of fatherhood and to step up to the challenges and the rewards of parenting in a much fuller sense than was the case in the past," they say. "It is time we helped and encouraged them to do so."

What do you think makes a good dad?

Source: ParentDishUS
