Aminaka Wilmont S/S 2010: Backstage At London Fashion Week

Aminaka Wilmont S/S 2010: Backstage At London Fashion Week

Photo: MyDaily staff

MAKEUP: David Horne for Jemma Kidd Pro

HAIR: Nina Bekkert for L'Oréal Professionnel

SNAPSHOT: Playing with contrasts

THE SCOOP: This season, Aminaka Wilmont decided to explore the idea of movement in their collection, taking inspiration from an eclectic range of sources including painter Michael Parks, images of derelict buildings, and the Goldberg Variations - Bach's 30 harpischord compositions. Bekkert explained the starting point for the hair was the idea of the angelic and ethereal, aiming to complement the angel-wings headpieces created by milliner J Smith Esquire. "We wanted to achieve a big, fluffy texture with the hair," she explained.

Meanwhile, makeup was an exercise in contrasts. "It's moving away from the 40s black eyeliner look and becoming a pastel liner look, an ethereal look," Horne told us. "I'm seeing much more white and pastel shades being used, and I think this is going to be a major trend next season." He played with texture, pairing ice blue eyes with peachy lips to combine cold and warm colours.

GET THE LOOK - MAKEUP: You can try this at home. Horne suggests choosing either a cool or warm shade, depending on the look you're going for. Try the Jemma Kidd JK lipstick in A List or Jemma Kid ice blue eyeshadow in Star (combing both shades is a bit extreme for everyday). He also recommends applying the peach lipstick like a stain to really make a statement.

GET THE LOOK - HAIR: Fluffy texture takes a lot of prepping. Hair was moussed up, dried, back-combed, then ironed over. "And then we brushed the whole thing out for extra volume!" laughed Bekkert. She used L'Oréal Tecni.Art volume lift and L'Oréal Tecni.Art air fix hairspray to keep errant strands in place.

GET THE LOOK - NAILS: Horne used a sparkly, translucent nail enamel from Bourjois - no longer in production, but several companies make similar shades - to create a wet look and elongate the nails.


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