Isaac Mizrahi A/W 2010: Backstage At New York Fashion Week

Isaac Mizrahi A/W 2010: Backstage At New York Fashion Week

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MAKEUP: Val Garland for MAC

HAIR: Eugene Souleiman for Wella

SNAPSHOT: Rich Manhattan socialite, in a blizzard

THE SCOOP: Inspired by the premise of a camping trip to New York's classy upper east side, designer Isaac Mizrahi called his models "part vagrant, part beautiful." The fabric and the constructions of his autumn/winter collection were luxurious, but the models who wore them were messy-haired and icy-skinned, like street waifs on a cold evening, or fairies in a winter wonderland.

The hair was gathered into a low ponytail and teased up around the face, "like they've been rolling around in the hay with their boyfriends," said Souleiman. "It's about wild hair."

"The makeup is frosty and frozen," said Garland. Faces were blanked out with cool tones and matte finishes, layering icy pink blush atop natural looking lip liner for a "frozen rose" lip.

GET THE LOOK - MAKEUP: Matte the skin with Prep and Prime Loose Powder. Give lips a little color by first lining with Lip Liner in Naked, and then patting Blush in Terderling on top with a fluffy eye shadow brush. Give eyes an icy sheen with Eye Shadow in Vanilla.

GET THE LOOK - HAIR: Spritz Bumble and Bumble Ocean Spray into locks for extra texture, and rough dry the hair for an unfinished look. Gather hair in a ponytail at the nape of the neck. Use a fine tooth comb to tease the hair around the face and the head out of the ponytail, for a messy ethereal look.

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