Kinder Aggugini A/W 2010: Backstage At London Fashion Week

Kinder Aggugini A/W 2010: Backstage At London Fashion Week

MyDaily staff

HAIR: Malcolm Edwards at L'Oréal Professionel

SNAPSHOT: Beautifully creepy femme fatale

THE SCOOP: Kinder Aggugini loves strong women and this season he decided to make Juliette Récamier, a 19th century salonière (a hostess) who dared to stand up to Napoleon, the muse behind his collection of tailored military-style pieces and flowing dresses. Hair-wise, the look had to embody a feisty woman. "I started thinking about Suzy Page at the Batcave Club in the 80s," Edwards told us. "Since the face was so gorgeous and sophisticated, I wanted the hair to be a bit sinister, a little Tim Burton, so I thought I'd give it some texture. I just wanted to add a touch of madness."

GET THE LOOK – HAIR: The secret behind this strong silhouette is texture. Lots of it. Believe it or not, this elaborate up-do starts out easily; just divide hair into two ponytails with a centre parting. "Then I applied Texture Tonic for the airy texture, and divided and joined the two ponytails," Edwards explained. Using straighteners, he smoothed hair into "wafers," then bound the ponytails with elastic.


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