Parents Splash Out £5000 On New Babies Before Their First Birthday

Parents Splash Out £5000 On New Babies Before Their First Birthday

A study of 2000 parents has revealed that cash-flashing mums and dads shell out a whopping £5000 on their offspring in the first year of its life - with around £1500 being spent before the baby is even born.

The survey found that £547 will be spent on decking out the nursery and buying furniture and a cot, whilst £265 will be spent on a pushchair, around £131 on a car seat, and £106 on newborn sized clothing.

Other costs include baby monitors at £68, sterilising and feeding paraphernalia at £82, and £74-worth of toys.

Then once baby arrives, parents can wave goodbye to a further £1,108 to cover formula and baby food costs over a year - with a massive £887 of this going on nappies.

New clothes, and additional toys and books will cost £747 and £771 respectively, with toiletries and medicines adding another £96 to the bill.

The survey revealed that 82 per cent of mums and dads confessed to buying a lot of things they didn't actually need, whilst 86 per cent of parents who had more than one child said they were much more careful about spending out on subsequent children.

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