Going, Going, Gone... Mayhem At H&Amp;M For Lanvin

Going, Going, Gone... Mayhem At H&Amp;M For Lanvin

Shoppers outside H&M at Oxford Circus show off their purchases. Photo courtesy of Rachel Arthur

People, the day is upon us. Lanvin for H&M has launched, and, as predicted, pandemoniam has ensued.

MyDaily's eyewitness on the ground at London's Oxford Circus flagship reports that queues are snaking right around the store, taking an hour to get to the goods. Meanwhile online shoppers have descended onto the H&M shopping site, and our numerous attempts to get onto it have resulted in a crash (probably not a bad thing for our wallets). But sharp elbows, technical glitches and lengthy queues haven't dampened the mood.

"It's utter chaos" fashion journalist and shopping aficionado Rachel Arthur told us, "but there's such a fantastic atmosphere – you've got a 10 minute slot to shop, kind of like Supermarket Sweep."

Early sell-outs include the floral cocktail dress, the LBD and the sunglasses, so if you're not already down there and you want a piece of the action, we suggest you head to your nearest H&M quick smart!


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